Add Phone Number to Employee Profile
Regarding adding a phone number to show in one's user profile. Used through systems such as Outlook and SharePoint.
⚠️ These steps would apply to TMs (teammates) only. Contractors should contact HR directly if their phone number needs to be manually added.
1. Navigate to NucorNet↗.
2. Click Teammate Resources.
3. Click SuccessFactors.
4. Click My Profile.
5. Click pencil icon (🖉) next to Contact Information.
6. Click Add below Phone Information.
7. Enter in desired phone number.
8. Set phone number to either business mobile or mobile device as needed.
9. Add phone number in Area Code and Phone Number (9999999) text fields.
10. Set Publish to be Yes.
11. Click Save in the bottom right.
⏰ Update may take up to 72 hours to sync across all systems.
Article ID: 20000053149