Cognos 11.1 Service Restart
Cognos 11.1 Service Restart
- Login to the Cognos server (spgkycogppvu).
- Go to the Start menu and open “IBM Cognos Configuration.” It can be found under the “IBM Cognos Analytics” folder.
- If the service is currently stopped, press the green start button at the top to begin the process of starting the service. It can take up to 15 minutes or so.
- If the service is currently running, press the black stop button at the top. It can take several minutes for Cognos to completely stop. Once it has stopped successfully, click the green start button to begin the process of starting the service.
- There should be no errors in the pop-up window once it completes successfully. If there are any errors, additional troubleshooting may be necessary.
- Login to Cognos through a web browser to determine if it starts up normally.
- If you have admin access, open the admin portal to monitor the scheduled reports to see if they are still running as expected.